Contact Us

Nikos Tsikalakis

Nikos Tsikalakis, Manager, The White Houses

Makrigialos Touristiki AE
P.O. Box 9
72055 Makrigialos
Lasithi – Crete

Tel: +30 28430 29183
Tel from the UK: 0030 28430 29183

Fax: +30 28430 29184
Fax from the UK: 0030 28430 29184

English and Greek is spoken for telephone enquiries.

Email and fax enquiries can be made (and replied to) in English, Greek, Norwegian, Swedish and German.

Our normal office hours are from 10:00 to 17:00 Mondays to Saturdays during the main holiday season, Mondays to Fridays during the winter.

The time in Makrigialos is currently 20:19